Fidaa Movie: Fidaa is a romantic entertainer written and directed by Sekhar Kammula and produced by Dil Raju under Sri Venkateswara Creations. It features Varun Tej and Sai Pallavi in the lead roles which...
Vikram Vedha Tamil Movie: Vikram Vedha is a Tamil Language crime thriller film written and directed by Pushkar and Gayathri. Stars Vijay Sethupathi, Madhavan, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Kathir and many others. Madhavan...
Shamantakamani Movie: Shamantakamani is a crime-thriller. The film has a unique story revolving around a car. The multi-starrer movie has Sudheer Babu, Sundeep Kishan, Aadi and Nara...
Spider-Man: Home Coming Box Office: Spider-Man: Homecoming is a 2017 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man. It is the second reboot of the Spider-Man film franchise and the sixteenth film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The...
Ninnu Kori Movie: Ninnu Kori is a romantic drama film written and directed by debutant Shiva Nirvana and produced by DVV Danayya. Nani and Nivetha Thomas are playing...
Duvvada Jagannadham Movie Box Office Collections: DJ is the most anticipated movie of the year 2017 after Baahubali 2. Duvvada Jagannadham movie released on June 23, 2017,...
Tubelight Movie Box Office Collections: The much-awaited film, Tubelight, features Salman Khan, Sohail Khan and Chinese actress Zhu Zhu is all set to release on June 23,...
Keshava Movie: Keshava (Kesava) is an intense revenge thriller film written and directed by Sudheer Varma and produced by Abhishek Nama. Starring Nikhil Siddharth, Ritu Varma in the lead roles....
CIA (Comrade in America) Movie: CIA (Comrade in America) is a Malayalam political romantic comedy film directed by Amal Neerad, and produced by Ajmal Khalid under the banner, Amal...
Kaatamarayudu Movie Box Office Collections: Power star Pawan Kalyan’s much-awaited Telugu movie Katamarayudu is scheduled to bang the box office from March 24, 2017. Kishore Kumar Pardasani...